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Summerfields Primary Academy

Learn and Grow

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Summerfields Primary Academy

Learn and Grow

Welcome to Class Italy

Multiplication Tables Check

This activity exactly mirrors the 'Multiplication Tables Check' that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. They are tested on their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. There are twenty-five questions and children have six seconds to answer each question and three seconds between questions. The questions are generated randomly using the same rules as the 'Multiplication Tables Check' (see below).

Results can be downloaded and printed at the end of the test. 

Year 4 practice for the multiplications checkPlease get your children to access this as regularly as possible in preparations for their times table check in the new year

What on earth is going on?

Welcome to 2025!

Below is a copy of the parent letter outlining the learning for our next explore.


Giuseppe Acrimboldo

We have been studying the Italian artist Giuseppe Acrimboldo and his unusual style of creating portraits by recreating features using fruit and vegetables. Here we are having a go at recreating some of his famous works using oil pastels.

A Taste of Italy

We have had a very exciting day in Year 4. This morning started with all of us making pizza and salad, a traditional dish from Italy. We all had a go at chopping the different ingredients before selecting our favourite toppings and constructing our pizzas. While these were cooking, we researched other traditional foods and drinks still enjoyed by Italians today.

We then invited our adults to join us for a tasting session in the afternoon. Needless to say, the pizzas went down a treat!



A Taste of Italy

This morning, Year 4 have been learning Roman Numerals through singing and actions!!

All good fun! πŸŽΌπŸ˜€


Year 4 testing out our knowledge of Place value by playing the 'Nasty Game' . Lots of fun and very competititive too!

Barnsley Music Hub

Below is a copy of the website that the children can use to access music notation and video clips to support with their cornet and brass lessons. 

Year 4 having a wonderful music lesson, learning how to use the mouth piece correctly as well as looking after their instrument! Lovely to see them enjoying music.

As part of our English project 'Journey to Mars', Year 4 have been learning some subject specific vocabulary e.g.astronaut, mission, adaptable etc.To support us with this, we used spelling aerobics to help us make links between the size and shape of letters as well as syllables and sounds. A fun way to learn some tricky words.


Spelling Aerobics

Our first explore is calles 'I wonder' and sees us learning about the European country of Italy as part of the geography foucus. Below is a copy of the Parent letter outlining our learning intentions.

Welcome back to a new acadenic year here at Summerfields. We hope that you have all had a lovely holiday and are ready for some fresh new challenges as you move up a year group?

Below, is another copy of the 'Meet the Teacher' presentation for you to refer back at anytime. Included are the days for PE, Swimming and music lessons plus, the format and expectations for homework in Year 4.


Here's to a super year


Miss Foster


Welcome to Year 4 2024/25 and class Italy

Year 4 had a wonderful surprise to the start of the week when they were paid a visit by Nigel from Imagination Gaming. We enjoyed a session playing a variety of ‘problem solving, team building and strategy based games.’

The discussions taking part by each group was wonderful to hear!

 World Mental Health DayDay
As part of World Mental Health Day, Year 4 have taken part in a variety of activities to build upon their existing knowledge. We have looked at the meaning of Mental Health and have discussed that it is something that we all have. We also looked at how it might present itself in different people as well as different ways that we could improve our own MH through; exercise, eating a balanced diet, taking time out for mindfulness activities and, of course, talking to a trusted person.
Don”t to forget to “Get Talking!”

Miss Foster


Inside / Outside. How we look and how we feel



Rabbit Ings

As part of our Explore ‘Who do you think you are?’ Year 4 spent the day at our local country park, Rabbit Ings. We had a great day pond dipping, investigating the local area and a mini beast hunt. Plus, the weather was perfect too!

We have been looking at paintings by the French Impressionist artist, Claude Monet. Using oil pastels and water colours we then had a go recreating our own versions 

Place Value fun through the 'The Nasty Game'!

More Year4s trying to out wit each other...

Welcome back to school, Year 4!

Huge congratulations from all at Summerfields to Katie Wilson in year 4. Katie was one of four winners from over 300 entries across Barnsley who entered Barnsley Rockley Rotary Club’s Art competition. The presentation evening was held at the Metrodome and was judged by Barnsley’s own artist Ashley Jackson .Congratulations Katie well deserved.

Multiplication Tables Check

This activity exactly mirrors the 'Multiplication Tables Check' that will be given to children at the end of Year 4. They are tested on their multiplication tables up to 12 x 12. There are twenty-five questions and children have six seconds to answer each question and three seconds between questions. The questions are generated randomly using the same rules as the 'Multiplication Tables Check' (see below).

Results can be downloaded and printed at the end of the test.


Multiplication Math Speed Test (25 Problems) - Human Calculator Mental Maths Multiply Drill

🧠 Are you a Human Calculator at Multiplication Math?βœ–οΈ MULTIPLY as fast as you can in this mental maths speed test! πŸ“± PLAY MULTIPLY MASTER (iOS): https://...

Multiplication Mash Up - A Fun Way to Learn Your Multiplication Facts!

Tons of MATH VIDEOS here: My mission is to math FUN, make it CLICK, and make it STICK!Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE...

Determined Dolphins Class Blog



If you would like to brush up on your brass knowledge and skill, click on the link below: 




Meet the Teacher Presentation for Parents

Our Rewards...

Year 4 Determined Dolphins

Hello Year 4,



Here is a panorama of the classroom. It is set up ready for you to come in to on Thursday.

We are very excited to see you and we cannot wait to welcome you back. We are going to have a fantastic year. 



I don't want you to have any worries about coming back to school but if you do, you can write these down and we can go through them on Thursday morning.



See you soon,


Mrs Whitehead, Mrs Brown and Mrs Lloyd

Take a look at what your new teacher has to say

Still image for this video

WC 13th July

Mrs Wakefield

Still image for this video

Max has been really busy with this reading comprehension and his maths work - Well done

WC 29th June

Mrs Wakefield

Still image for this video

Home Learning WC 22nd June

Any work for children at home that is put on to class pages will be to print off at home only. 

Due to health and safety issues we will not be providing paper copies for children at home.


You can put your answers on a sheet and take a photo to send in or put them onto a word document and email in. 


Message from Mr. Francis

Hope you are all ok. As you know we were suppose to be going to the Metrodome as part of a music festival. It will not be the experience we had hoped for but if you follow this You Tube guide you can join in from your homes. Hopefully see you all soon. 

Week 3 Mrs Wakefield

Still image for this video

Mrs Wakefield

Still image for this video

Home Learning WC 15th June

WC 8th June

Mr Marsh - Summer Term 2

Still image for this video

Mrs Wakefield - wants to say hi

Still image for this video

Due to updated government guidance we can no longer provide additional reading books for home. Please read the books you have, look at magazines, share stories from your bookshelf and use our online links to support your child’s reading.

Any books returned to school will be left in a box until we can clean them for the safety of staff and pupils. Many thanks for your continued support in these difficult times.

CGP - Free resources

Maths May Calendar

Welcome to class Antarctica, I am Mrs. Wakefield. In this class, we are supported by Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs. Brown. We have a student teacher in our class too called Mr. Watling, he will be working with us until June.

Our PE day is Wednesday. 

We have lots of exciting activities happening in year 4, so keep an eye out and we will update the page regularly.

I have added the home learning to the Word Press blog - see post below. You can write on it and let me know what you have been doing. 

This is a request from Barnsley Hospital, would any of you like to have a go?

Max and his mum have run 5K and donated Β£5 each to NHS charities. Max did it in 40 minutes. Well done Max! This is a great achievement!

Home learning

Home learning - 20th April 

Good morning Year 4. Hope you are all well and having fun with your families. We are all missing you at school and hope to see you all very soon. I have made a padlet for us, on it, you can add comments or pictures so why not add what you have been up to. Just click on the link. 


Reading - I have found a reading calender, have a look at all the different activities and see how many you can do before the end of April. I will add a new one for May. 


Maths - Keep working on your Times Table Rockstars - get some rock music on and see how many you can get right before the song runs out. Mr. Marsh has added some White Rose maths things too to the Home Learning page so make sure you have a look at these.


Literacy - Think about when we have learnt about verbs and adverbs. Have a look at the Animal Town sheets can you complete the Sentences Challenge sheet? Have a go at the other sheets too. 


Science - I thought it would be fun to look at sound (sorry mums and dads!!). Have a look at how sounds are made and then see if you can make some sounds using a homemade musical instrument - I have included some photographs to give you some ideas. 


Enjoy xx

Good morning year 4. I thought you might like to have a go at writing a narrative, look at this and see how you go. Don't forget to email them into school, I would love to read them. Enjoy

Some more pictures of year 4's home learning

Home learning - week beginning 6th April. Don't forget to email your photos to the office so I can see what you are up to.

Help solve this Easter mystery maths investigation - work as a family and discover who it was

One of our year 4 pupils has been having lots of fun at home while learning lots of skills

How many of these can you work out? Send me your answers through the school email address



Could you write a quiz for your family? Or maybe for your class mates - send it into the office email and we will see how many they can get right! 

Art ideas - I am loving these! Could you recreate one of them?

Good morning year 4,


Just wanted to say hello to you all and hope you are all ok and having lots of fun at home with your families. If you have been doing anything really exciting then send a picture to the school email address ( and I will add them to our class page for everyone else to see. 


We have also been thinking it would be really nice if you wanted to, you could write a diary of your day or week. Let us know what you have done etc and again I will share these on the website. 


I am really looking forward to hearing and seeing all about what you are up to. 



Mrs. Wakefield xxx

We would like to brighten your time at home with a gift from the children in school.

Useful websites

These websites are really good for maths and literacy 

Multiplication using different pictorial methods

Lego lunchtime club

Year 4 residential to Robinwood

Parents if you'd like to follow our page on Twitter, we will give updates on there and here as much as possible. Find us at Mrs Wakefield@summerprimary6

Team Stream caving

Day 3


After another good night's sleep and a full English breakfast, stream and avalanche are caving and then canoeing before the challenge course while iceberg are on the trapeze before diving into the piranha pool and the challenge course. We are having lunch and then heading down to the coach. See you all soon 

A great second day with lots of activities! The children are now enjoying games before hot chocolate and bed. 

Day 2 - lots of different activities today after a good nights sleep and a full English breakfast

Crate building before team games

Steam and Avalanche have been on the giant swing, archery and escaped the dungeon. While Iceberg have been on the giant swing, the zip wire and taken on the Knights challenge. We have had pizza or fish fingers for tea. Now onto the team challenges before bed.

We have arrived safely. The children are just having lunch after settling into their rooms.

Today's PE session - We have been dancing with a dragon for Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Year 4

Chinese New Year

Year 4

What makes the world alive? Homework grid


This morning we have had taken part in a karate taster session - it was lots of fun!

How do our actions affect others?


After making our gingerbread, Kyle and Aaliyah dropped some off for the residents at Anchor Oakwood Grange care home.

We are learning a lot from the Victorians this half term and how their acts affected Britain and how it is still affecting our lives today. We have looked at Queen Victorian and what she was like and what she did. We have looked at the workhouses, colonisation, inventions and lots, lots more. 

This week we have been looking at Gingerbread. During the Victorian period, gingerbread was regularly eaten and enjoyed. We tried out the recipe and enjoyed eating the gingerbread we made as much as the Victorians! 

Making our gingerbread people

Reading buddies
As part of our explore this half term, we have joined up with class Africa and become their reading buddies. By reading with the F2 children and modelling reading to them we are developing their love of reading and developing friendships. 

Our first session was a getting to know you session

This is our fantastic display from all the work that we have completed during our Who Do You Think You Are? exploration

A day in the life of a miner at the National Coal Mining museum, Wakefield

Don't forget that Thursday 10th October is our trip to the Mining Museum as part of our Who Do You Think You Are? exploration. Children will need a warm coat, sensible footwear and a packed lunch. Stay tuned and we will tell you all about it once we have returned. 

Brass lesson 


Today is our second brass lesson. Today the children have been playing along to Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. They have been learning about how to look after their instruments and how to keep the valves clean and smooth. 

Digestive system 

Using a cream cracker, banana, orange juice and water we created a digestive system. We had lots of fun digesting the food and removing the waste from our stomach. 

Hello and welcome back Year 4. I am ready for a fantastic and fun year where we are going to learn lots and lots! Don't forget if you need anything or have any questions to come and find me and I will try to help.


Don't forget parents, there is a 'Meet the Teacher' meeting on Thursday 12th September. I am looking forward to meeting as many of you as possible. I understand that some people will not be able to attend the meeting so I will add the PowerPoint on here. Any questions, please come and see me.


Today we have had our first brass lesson - we have given the children their rental agreement for you to sign. Once this is returned to school, they will then be able to bring their instrument home to practise!!

Who Do You Think You Are?

Roman Day Visitor

Our Roman craft afternoon Thank you to everyone who took part and donated materials to craft with. Year 4 enjoyed making different parts of a Roman soldier’s armour and getting the chance to try wearing it! It was great to see everyone working together and being really creative.

There is some fantastic homework in Year 4 which is part of our Cober Hill and Ghost topic.

Day 4

Day 3

Day 2

Day 1

Well done to Oscar for receiving a Merit on his Grade 1 Cornet Exam

We have been looking at the Egyptian Cinderella - it's a bit different to the one we are familiar with!

Year 4 newsletter

Our creative home learning grid

Welcome to the Clever Crocodile Class 2018! 

I am really looking forward to Year 4 and I hope you are too.

Our first topic is shared through the whole school... hidden TREASURE! We are focussing on the Ancient Egyptians as our topic and will be becoming archaeologists exploring the treasures of the past.

Our jounrey so far

Welcome to Year 4!


Snow Day Homework

Task 1

I hope you have enjoyed some time playing in the snow.

As we missed World Book Day on Thursday I would like you to ask someone to take a photo of you reading your favourite book in an interesting place.  You can decide where this is.  Please bring a photo into school to show the rest of the class.


Task 2

I would also like you to do some writing to share with the class.


Imagine you are going to be trapped inside school because of the snow for 2 whole weeks.  Which 10 items would you bring with you to help you survive and why would you bring each item?


I look forward to hearing about your fun in the snow on Monday.

Miss Humphreys.

Thank you!

On behalf of Class 4, I would just like to say thank you to all of the adults who attended the Cober Hill assembly on Tuesday.  I am sure you will agree that the children had fun whilst they were away and that they learnt a lot at the same time.


Thank you

Miss Humphreys

Just a reminder that the Class 4 Cober Hill assembly will take place on Tuesday 27th February at 1.45pm.

Please return the reply slips to let us know whether you will be attending or not and how many seats you need.


Thank you

Miss Humphreys and Class 4

Cober Hill 2018






Smile Day

Yesterday the whole school enjoyed the first Smile day!  What an exciting and fun day it was.  All of the children I spoke to really enjoyed the day and the variety of activities.  It was nice to see Year 4 mixing with all year groups throughout the day.  Check out the Headteacher's page to see some of the photos from the day.


Writer of the week

The Writer of the week award goes to Skye this week.  She produced a brilliant non-chronological report.  I was very impressed.  Well done Skye.

Pupil of the Week

This week's pupil of the week is Gracie.  Gracie always does the right thing and is a kind and friendly member of the class.  Well done Gracie.


Outstanding Writer

This week Dylan was chosen as outstanding writer due to his much improved handwriting and letter formation.  Dylan has worked really hard ensuring that his descenders fall below the line and that his letters are the same size.  Well done Dylan.


Pupil of the Week


This week Thomas was picked as pupil of the week due to his outstanding work ethic.  He always puts in 100% effort and wants to do his best.  Well done Thomas.
