We are scientist
Our current topic is under the sea and today we received a letter from Marissa the mermaid. She wrote to us to tell us that her tale is not longer waterproof. She needed us to test different materials to see which would work best for her a new tale. First we gathered different materials and made predictions about what would work best. There was lots of great discussions going off and some children said that wood is waterproof but it wasn’t flexible, so would be no good for a tale because she could not swim. The children then took it in turns to test the materials out and to see if their predictions were right.
Marvellous mathematicians
In maths we have been looking at capacity. The children used containers, filling them up to show full, half full and empty. We then carried out an investigation to see how many containers it took to fill our buckets.
We made a prediction, and wrote our predictions on whiteboards.
Some of our children decided to take our capacity learning into their independent choosing time outdoors.
They couldn’t wait to show me what capacity was in their containers.
Here we are in action.
Lots of lovely mathematical language used.
This week was internet safety week. We talked about how to stay safe on the internet and what we should do if we see or hear anything we don’t like on the internet. The children then explored lots of different technologies within the classroom, these included the iPads, interactive white board and our computers. Some children used the whiteboard to draw pictures, practice letter writing and explore different phonics games. The children on the computers explored different programs on 2 simples.
Physical Education
In our PE lesson this week we continued to work on our gross motor skills and used the apparatus. The children climbed up the ladders and apparatus, they hung from the ropes, balance on the beams, hopped into hoops and jumped from the volt.
National Big Garden Birdwatch from the RSPB
We looked at some photo of some common birds we may see in our gardens or when we’re out and about. For homework we asked the children to see if they could spot any of these and discuss with a grown ups. We talked about things that we could talk about. Maybe What do they look like? What are they doing? Where do they live? What do they eat? We then made our own bird feeders to hang in our woodland area to attract birds. 1 of our children brought in a book to share with the class about the different birds and 2 boys made their own binoculars to do a bird watch.
🧧 Chinese new year 🧧
Year of the Dragon
The children really enjoyed learning about Chinese new year. We did a food tasting morning. We tried spring rolls, prawn crackers, noodles and prawn toast. We enhanced our home corner and the children enjoyed playing Chinese restaurant. As part of our learning of the year of the dragon, the children made dragons for their homework. We were so impressed of all the different dragons that were created. 🐉
🌍 Understanding of the world 🌍
This weeks the children have found our globe interesting. There has been lots of discussions about different counties and oceans in the world. The children talked about different animals that live under the sea and on land. This is linking to our new topic ‘under the sea’ 🌊 One of the children used to live in Australia and he enjoyed finding it on the globe and sharing with his friends where it was he live and that told everyone and showed them that it was at the other side of the world to where we all live.
World Mental Health Day
to celebrate world mental health day in Disney Class, we looked and talked about how we are feeling and what that might look like.
we used play dough and loose parts to create a feelings face
🍂 Autumn is our favourite colour 🍂
This week we have looked closely at the seasonal changes around us. We did some observational drawings of our pumpkins and used water colours to colour them in. They have took pride of place in our Art Gallery 🎨
Repeating patterns
This week in maths we have been looking at repeating patterns. The children collected some natural materials from our woodland area and created some repeating patterns with them.
Autumn 🍂
Today we went exploring in our woodland area and used our senses to notice changes of seasons. The children talked about that we are now in the season Autumn and that the leaves are changing colour and falling off the trees. Some children said that the leaves are now crunchy because they are brown and fallen from the trees. This all links to our curriculum of understanding the world.
This morning we began our RWI sessions. We then put our learning to the test.
just look at that amazing letter formations
In Disney class this week we have been busy exploring outside.
we have shown great team work and critical thinking to move and balance across a range of surfaces. Some were more tricky than others, but we showed resilience until the end
We have been busy this morning practicing our fine motor skills.