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Summerfields Primary Academy

Learn and Grow

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Summerfields Primary Academy

Learn and Grow

Welcome to Class Attenborough

This afternoons challenge we are pretending to be The Wright brothers - can we make a paper aircraft that can fly? Whose will fly the furthest? Whose will have the best design?

This week we’ve had a stay and play craft session with our parents. We made shields, crowns and helmets linked to our What makes Us Powerful? explore

As part of our What Makes Us Powerful? Explore we are looking at King Charles and we created his portrait - we think our sketching skills are fab

In maths we are discussing mass - which is heavier 1kg or 500g?

In science we are learning about micro habitats and mini beasts so we went into the woodland and designed and built bug hotels for the creatures around school

This week we have enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. We have also been busy making and decorating buns for the special ladies in our lives ready for International Women’s Day and Mothers Day

This morning we are planning in groups our Rainbow Bird story - I can’t wait to hear them and see what adventures the bird goes on

Atlas hunting in geography today - do you know where to find the continents and the oceans of the world?

In RE today we have learnt about a Mosque and what we would see if we went into one to worship

This morning in maths, we have been playing the Can I Buy it? game. You have to make exact amounts using 1ps, 2ps, 5ps, 10ps and 20ps before you can buy something

Great Fire of London takeover day

Parents reading afternoon

As part of our explore ‘How do our actions shape our futures?’we are looking at The Great Fire of London. Today the fire brigade came to speak to us and show us all their equipment 🚨🚒

We have been using base ten to help us to start to think about using column addition - we needed to think about using our partitioning and recombining skills

This week we invited our adults into school to share our love of reading - we can’t wait for the next reading afternoon 📚

As part of our explore ‘Who Do You ThInk You Are?’ we are looking at portraits and Picasso- we have talked about emotions and how they make us feel. 

This week has been a really busy week, we’ve been looking at life cycles in science, sequences in maths and looking at retelling the Beegu story through drama! In art we have talked about Picasso and his work on portraits as well as looking at Sketch in ICT

This week we have been really busy - we have been looking at place value and Beegu

Number Day

Stay and Play

Our visit to Conisbrough Castle

How do our actions shape our future?

Multiplication Mash Up - A Fun Way to Learn Your Multiplication Facts!

Tons of MATH VIDEOS here: My mission is to math FUN, make it CLICK, and make it STICK!Don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE...

Welcome to Year 2

Hello Year 2,


Here are a few photographs of the classroom. It is all ready and set up ready for you to come in to on Thursday. I am looking forward to seeing you all and I know we are going to have an amazing year. I don't want you to have any worries about coming back to school but if you do, you can write these down and we can go through them on Thursday morning.



See you soon,


Mrs Haynes and Mrs Shaw



Year 2!

Say hello to your new teacher in September Y2

Still image for this video

WC 13th July

Super proud of you and your writing this week Libby! Your photos really made me smile :)

Home Learning Task

Wow Libby! What beautifully presented work!! Keep it up!
What lovely photographs from Lucas this week.

Reading challenge :)

Hi Year 2 :)

Still image for this video

Good morning Year 2

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. 
I have been busy this weekend- on Saturday I went to the Peak District for a walk. It was very windy. 
your challenge this week is to take lots of photographs whilst you’re out and about of yourself reading. Don’t forget to email them in to the office and I will put them all on the website. 
Here is my photograph :) 


Mrs Haynes 

Home Learning WC 22nd June

Ira you have been super creative :) Your photos really made me smile. Love your ideas :)
Wonderful home learning, Jasmine! Keep it up :)

Home Learning

Wowzas, Libby! Look at that writing!


Some amazing pieces of home learning! What good examples! Keep it up-proud of you :)

Libby's home learning!

Wow Lucas!

What a fantastic piece of home learning. Proud of you :)

Home Learning!

Hi Year 2!

Still image for this video

Any work for children at home that is put on to class pages will be to print off at home only. 

Due to health and safety issues we will not be providing paper copies for children at home.


You can put your answers on a sheet and take a photo to send in or put them onto a word document and email in. 


Mrs Haynes

Still image for this video

Information for key worker group from June 9th 2020

Mr Marsh - Summer Term 2

Still image for this video

I hope you are all safe and well Year 2! I am looking forward to seeing you all soon.


Mrs Haynes

Home Learning 1.6.20


Each time you spot and adjective can you improve it?

For example:

The girl was big...

Improve it to:

The girl was enormous.


Can you find what the most popular fruit is in your family?

Think about how you would gather this data and how you would present it. Remember that each person has one vote!

Common exception words:

read them, spell them and write them in sentences.

How many can you spell correctly?

Can you spot any of these in your reading books?

Due to updated government guidance we can no longer provide additional reading books for home. Please read the books you have, look at magazines, share stories from your bookshelf and use our online links to support your child’s reading.

Any books returned to school will be left in a box until we can clean them for the safety of staff and pupils. Many thanks for your continued support in these difficult times.

Home Learning W.C 18.5.2020


Good morning Year 2- I hope you are all safe and well.

This time last year I was celebrating my wedding day. It was a fantastic day that really made me happy. For your Literacy this week, can you think of a day that really made you happy and write a recount all about it. Remember to write it in time order and add in all the extra detail that informs your reader. Don't forget you can send these in to the school office so I can read them :)



Fantastic home learning

Super work Harry! Keep it up :)

Year 2 :)

Good morning Year 2!

I hope you have had a lovely weekend in the sunshine. I celebrated my birthday on Saturday and it was lovely in the sunshine.

Your photograph collage has made me smile this morning. Hopefully not much longer until we can be back in class.


This weeks home learning:


Let's look at time. Can you recall how many seconds in a minute/minutes in a hour/days in a week/ months in a year/ hours in a day etc.

Can you tell the time at different parts of the day. Could you write sentences to show what you do at different times of the day?




CGP - Free resources


What is a super hero? Can you write about a super hero and tell me all about them? It could be someone who you know, someone famous or it could be a imaginary character. You could research them and draw them. Tell me why they are a super hero and what they do.



This week can you focus on expression? When you are reading can you change your voice to suit the characters?


Fantastic art work from Matthew! :)

Home Learning

Look at these fantastic pieces of writing from Lucas Alexander!

Super work, Lucas! :)

Keep it up!

Home Learning

Good Morning Year 2


I hope you have all had a good weekend. Here is some home learning ideas for this week:


Can you write a newspaper report all about the change in everyday life in the last 6 weeks?You could do some role play and interview your family members to see how it has affected them and how they feel about it all. When you write up your report-remember to use your features: Title, heading, photo, caption, 5 W's, more information. Can you think of a headline that will make your reader want to read your report?



Think about 2D and 3D shapes. Can you recognise any in your environment? When you spot them can you draw them and describe their properties? Could your adult give you clues for you to guess the shapes?



Whilst reading your favourite reading book, can you identify the adjectives? Make a list of these and then have a go at writing them in your own sentences.



What can you find out about Dunlop, Mackintosh and MacAdam and the materials they developed? Present this in any way you like. 



Don't forget to send your learning into the school office :)


See you soon,

Mrs Haynes

Dearne FM class of the week on from Monday 8am ❤️

Home Learning

It's lovely to see more home learning Year 2! I love receiving your emails.

Keep up the good work!


Maths May calendar

Home Learning: Week commencing 27.4.20

Numeracy-Can you add and subtract 2 two digit numbers? We focused on this quigte a lot in class and looked at the methods whilst we did our 5 a day. Can you remember which methods to use? Choose 2 two digit numbers (or you could ask an adult to write you some out) and have a go at adding and subtracting them.


Literacy-Can you plan and write a story that begins with the opener 'I was walking along when suddenly I fell down a hole...a big, dark hole!' Remember to engage the reader and think about your beginning, middle and end. I can't wait to read them.


Science-While you are out and about, have a look at all the living things around you. Can you see any new life? Choose a living thing and create a life cycle for it. You can present this in anyway you like.


Reading-Choose a book to read and answer these questions...What is the book about? Who are the characters? What was the problem in the story? How was it resolved? How was the main character feeling throughout the story? Why is this?


Hope you are all safe and well Year 2.

See you soon,

Mrs Haynes

Home Learning!

Here are some ideas to have a go at this week, Year 2!


Literacy-Can you write a diary entry of what you think you will do once this lock down is over? Think about what you will do, where you will go and who you will see. How do you think you will feel? Do you think you'll be grateful for anything? I look forward to reading them.


Maths-Have a look at money. Can you recognise all the coins? What coins make up different totals? If you went to the shop to buy different items-can you work out how much change you will receive?


Reading-Can you find a poem to learn and recite? Could you add actions and expression? You could practice this and perform it for your family. Could you record this and send it to other family members to make them smile :)


Science-Have a look at the different objects in your home-what are they made from? Why do you think they are made from this material and not another one? What are the material's properties?


Remember any home learning that you have been doing, you can send in to our school office :)


See you soon Year 2

Mrs Haynes

More amazing home learning from Lexi.

Lexi has been busy learning some life lessons with Mum and dad. She has been busy jet spraying the garden and making uniform bags for the NHS :) how thoughtful.

Finally a fantastic piece of non-fiction writing. Well done, Lexi! Keep it up :)

Home Learning!


A big well done to Ira for his amazing home learning. Some fantastic ideas. It looks like you have been keeping very busy and having lots of fun. I love the home made video you have also sent in :)

Keep it up!

Home Learning

Bitesize also have lots of lessosn for you to take part in :)


Follow this link to take part in lessons :)

Hi Year 2,

I hope you all had a lovley Easter. I am missing you all.

I have attached a link that you can follow to complete maths challenges. We use White Rose Maths in our sessions so you may somethings that look familiar :)

Good Morning,

Follow this link for past Year 2 SAT's papers.

Good morning Year 2! I hope you are all well on this lovely sunny morning. I have added you a Literacy learning pack for this upcoming week. Don't forget you can email your work into the school office so I can see what you are all up to.


Missing you all-see you soon

Mrs Haynes

Literacy Home Learning Challenge.

Good morning Year 2!


How are you all? I hope you are safe and well. I have added a few ideas to keep you busy but remember to keep having fun too. I am missing you all!


Mrs Haynes

Go Hunting!

Keep Busy!


We would like to brighten your time at home with a gift from the children in school.

World Book Day!

Today KS1 welcomed grown ups in as part of our Inspire Day. Our task was to design and make a suitable outfit for the Yetti in 'Betty and the Yetti'.

We had all the resources ready and our grown ups and children got to work. Some fabulous outfits were made!


Our 'Parent Feedback Forms' stated:

"Would love to do more of these activities."


"This was enjoyable for both of us."


"Thank you for having us! P.S-Your job is tough!! Difficult to negotiate with little people not easy!! Thank you for all that you do!"

Inspire Day

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has had a fun-filled Christmas break. We are ready to jump straight back into learning in Year 2!

This half term our new exploration is:

'What makes the world alive?'


